Supporting Every Student

At Mendip Studio School, we are committed to supporting every student to access a high quality education that meets their ability, interests and aspirations and which enables them to enjoy success in their learning.  The SEND team particularly focuses on students with needs who need additional or different support from others of their age. This includes those with learning difficulties or a disability.  For these students to achieve their full potential, we must recognise these difficulties and plan accordingly.  As a small team of teachers, we know each child’s individual needs, providing all students with a broad, balanced, relevant and personalised curriculum.

This duty is detailed under Section 21 of the Children and Families Act 2014.

Aims & Objectives

As a school we will endeavour to:

  1. Ensure that each student is able to access a broad and balanced curriculum which is relevant to his/her specific needs;
  2. Promote positive attitudes and individual confidence, ensuring all children experience success;
  3. Identify, assess, record and regularly review students’ special educational needs;
  4. Fully involve parents and students in the support given to those with special needs;
  5. Ensure that every teacher is prepared to respond to the special educational needs of each student with support from specialist staff;
  6. Work collaboratively with relevant outside agencies

Mendip Studio School SEND Team

Marvin Richardson-Grubb SENDCO
Tracey Hunt HLTA
Caroline Weale Intervention Manager

Mendip Studio School SEND report to Governors – September 2021