End of Week Letter 20th November 2020

Friday 20th November 2020

Dear All

Hoping that this letter finds you and your family well, particularly under the challenging circumstances.

This has been an important week for all our students: Year 11 having their first mock exams, in which they have conducted themselves in an exemplary manner; Years 10 and 12, having to isolate and to complete work virtually and Year 13, in the final preparations for their mock exams in ten days’ time.

Years 10 and 12 have all received work for all subjects and opportunities to meet through Google Meet for live and shared resources.  The difficulties for a small number of students with logins has, to our knowledge, also been ironed out.  If difficulties remain, please complete the form available here homelearning.mendipstudioschool.org.uk.

On Friday 27th November, we intend to celebrate the end of the year 11 mocks with a festive cheer in the hub for Year 11 students, marking the end of the mock exams for which they have worked so hard.  If students are able to bring in small tokens of decoration for this occasion, that would be very much appreciated.  We hope to have music, non-alcoholic hot punch, lunch and fun, taking advantage of the opportunity while there are small numbers of students in the school building.

We are really looking forward to the return of our Year 10 and 12 students and we remind them all that we are here for them – by email, arranged Google Meet, comments (or private comments) on Google Classroom or by telephone (01761 438557) at any time.

Progress review discussion with parents

Huge thanks for all Year 10 and 11 parents and carers who joined us this week with virtual meetings.  We fully intend to run this for years 12 and 13 soon.

A reminder for all students about masks and when they should be worn:

  1. When entering the building or moving between buildings and in corridors, if in another building
  2. When moving from one classroom to another
  3. When seated in a communal area facing each other (the hub, snug or office)
  4. When queuing for food from the canteen
  5. If in a shared provision classroom (e.g. one of the two D(M)IT classes in Y10 with Mr Grubb or applied science with Mr Pugh-Jones and Mrs Baber in Y12)

Our daily Safety First Reminder Google streams will continue and remind all students of expectations for use of masks, sanitising and wiping down surfaces.  Please make sure that students have a suitable face mask to bring to school and that they remember to bring it to school every day.

Absence Procedures – an important reminder

Just a reminder that Parents and Carers need to call 01761 438557 by 8.30am on the day of absence, in order for us to record the absence correctly.  On the message left, regarding absence, parents/carers need to include the description of the reason for absence, name of the student and the likely return time and date to school.  If the absence is so serious that it extends beyond three days, we will need medical advice to be sought.  Mrs Willcox or Mr Leeder will contact parents/carers during the day, if we need further information.  Work will not be set for students who are unwell.  In the rare event of authorised isolation, due to Covid-19, work will be made available on Google Classroom.

A reminder of Covid-19 symptoms:


  • A new persistent cough
  • A raised temperature
  • A sudden loss of taste and/or smell


Google Classroom – a reminder, in the event of partial/temporary closure

Google Classroom is not just the perfect place to set work, provide written feedback and to communicate with students, it is also linked to Google Meet – this will allow us to perform virtual live lessons, if we need to.  To do this, there are a number of key guidelines that we will assume you agree to, unless you tell us otherwise:

  • If video is used, only the student or parent will be visible in the view
  • If video is used, there needs to be a blank wall behind that is in view
  • Work will need to be completed and returned, as instructed in the Classroom communication – as always, teachers will be available to contact by email
  • Students are not permitted to take screenshots or to record the screen when Google Meet is in use

Please do follow us on Facebook under “The Mendip Studio School” and let us know what you think.

All the very best,

Bruce Hain


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